Tweet Auto Posting app for Shopify All the ideas and discussions
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tweet old and existing products, not new ones

The app works the same as presently, but it randomly selects an old or existing product from the store and tweets about it rather than a new product.

Jon , 15.08.2017, 05:50
Idea status: scheduled


raph, 11.03.2018, 17:32
I totally agree, please do that !
spurit, 30.03.2018, 13:32
Greetings Jon,

Thanks for your suggestion. We have scheduled this feature and going to release it in the near future.
Don't hesitate to contact with us if you have any other questions or require customization.

Best Regards,
Jay, 05.06.2018, 16:47
Does the app now work with existing products in the store?
stephanie, 22.09.2018, 22:09
I would love to know if this feature was ever implemented! I'd definitely use it!

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